evolution de l'art - logo

A lifelong subscription to the closed part of a website

A walk through the Prado with the artist and 50 participants of his project "Hell is coming/World ends today"

Animals' nurse in the jungle

As a painting

Become an accessory to the unplanned



Create and destroy a work of art

Dancing with the Stars

De “I don’t know” demonstratie

Discover a new family by registering now!

Enlightenment: Getting you there

Extra Day


Foreigners falling

Good Luck (Random good deeds)

Horse riding

I cry for you

Extra Day, 2004

Employing time as a sculptural material and making the gallery space vulnerable to unexpected possibility, this work extends the exhibition by a continuous 24-hour period.
(note: Extra Day can be appropriated according to context)

Price: €24,-

Wall Space, 2004

Exposed (and un-repaired) void resulting from the removal of T-shaped wall that had previously divided the exhibition space into two rooms.
(note: Wall Space can be appropriated according to context)

Price: €128,-


Extra Day, 2004

Dit werk benut de tijd als beeldhouwmateriaal en maakt de galerieruimte kwetsbaar voor onverwachte mogelijkheid, het verlengt de tentoonstelling met een ononderbroken periode van 24 uur.
(opmerking: Extra Day kan worden toegewezen al naargelang de context)

prijs: € 24

Wall Space, 2004

Geëxposeerde (en niet-gerepareerde) vide die het resultaat is van het verwijderen van de T-vormige muur die eerder de tentoonstellingsruimte had verdeeld in twee vertrekken.
(opmerking: Wall Space kan worden toegewezen al naargelang de context)

Prijs: € 128

Yane Calovski (Macedonia)

I work here performance

Intellectual Entertainment Service

Interior Event

introducing GRUPPO PALERMO

Letter to Yves Klein

Private View


Take Away

The Gift

The Morrona, universal Andalusian

The Shadow Queue / The Line

The Surprise Service

Unspecified space, site specific work

Untitled (1987)

Wall Space


Window Event

Your Head In Ice

Your Own Chain Letter

Your Own Stalker

ZOMBIE / Telepathic Art Newspaper