evolution de l'art - logo

A lifelong subscription to the closed part of a website

A walk through the Prado with the artist and 50 participants of his project "Hell is coming/World ends today"

Animals' nurse in the jungle

As a painting

Become an accessory to the unplanned



Create and destroy a work of art

Dancing with the Stars

De “I don’t know” demonstratie

Discover a new family by registering now!

Enlightenment: Getting you there

Extra Day


Foreigners falling

Good Luck (Random good deeds)

Horse riding

I cry for you

Untitled (1987)

I show 'Untitled' from 1987 for the first time at Gallery Evolution de l'Art. The work has had an unmistakable influence upon my thinking. I have not exhibited it before because until now a suitable context was lacking.

Price €1500.-

Zonder Titel (1987)

Ik toon 'Zonder Titel' uit 1987 voor het eerst in Galerie Evolution de l'Art. Het werk heeft een onmiskenbare invloed gehad op mijn denken. Ik heb het niet eerder gepresenteerd aangezien de juiste context daarvoor tot nu toe ontbrak.

Prijs € 1500,-

Rolf Engelen

I work here performance

Intellectual Entertainment Service

Interior Event

introducing GRUPPO PALERMO

Letter to Yves Klein

Private View


Take Away

The Gift

The Morrona, universal Andalusian

The Shadow Queue / The Line

The Surprise Service

Unspecified space, site specific work

Untitled (1987)

Wall Space


Window Event

Your Head In Ice

Your Own Chain Letter

Your Own Stalker

ZOMBIE / Telepathic Art Newspaper