32 exercises (with colours, air, fruit, snow, animals, and others)
A choral trip on Trans Siberian Express and a concert on the Red Square in Beijing
A contribution for emerging artists
A conversation about art that will last as long as possible
A do-it-yourself method to make an instant distinction of good and bad
A guided tour to an abandoned shopping mall
A light effect in the sky that will hood the infinite
A new situation for your room
A picture of you
A place in the collection of photos to be potentially used for future projects
A quotation from The Anti-Oedipus
A slogan
A travel to get in physical contact with raw materials
A visit to the artist in Oregon
An artwork to be read directly from the artist’s brain
An open call to the chicken-breeders of the planet
Answering at the telephone and tell stories about Italian masterpieces, or about immateriality
Answers to questions about political and personal satisfaction
Birthday party
Choosing a new day to celebrate Christmas
Collecting information about a list of unknown people, sent by the buyer
Collectively eating a cake that looks like a dead migrant on a beach
Compilations of visited URLS as archived from the web browser’s “history” feature
Copyright on a sentence and a poster, for someone else than the buyer
Days in Iran for Sale
Drawing a map of a top-secret airbase on a wall in a public space
Eating the first fruit
Entering into a private apartment and do not tell anyone what is inside
Erotic Calls
Experiencing the screen test process and re-enacting a scene from your favourite film
Facial expressions for every day, from reading a newspaper
For only 0,55 Euro you are part of a collection!
Forwarding to the artist all the emails received from Africa
Gently assisting nature's instinct towards erosion
Giving a look to the artist’s note book from the ‘70s
Giving another artist the possibility to participate at a show, at my place
Giving you a thought for as long as you live
Good thoughts that will make you happy
How to apologize for failing to meet deadline
I dreamed...
I will take you to Palestine
Instructions to undertake a new career
Instructions for making a sentence impossible to be read entirely
Kissing two plastic bag men
Leasing a small portion of space in an artwork made by another artist, and use it
Living space projection for new feelings |
Birthday party
I would like to organize a true birthday party, possibly
for a child (if a child is not possible to find, any person will be fine).
A party
where the whole room is decorated in a cheerful way, with cakes, drinks,
balloons, decorations, as any children's birthday party. But the presents
which the child receives will be wrapped in a wrapping paper decorated with
skulls. A reminder that a birthday is after all a countdown, inaccurate but

Price: 10 000 KCZ
I dreamed...
Without title
Two sentences describing two dreams I had. "I dreamed I was dying, I felt an incredidible pleasure" and "I dreamed my birthday had passed and I had not realized it". The subject is always the same, it is about death, lack of self-confidence,
fear of being and even more of not being. I would like to write them with a
pen or felt pen on the gallery wall, in a cheerful, decorative, playful
font, contrasting with my mood.

Price: 5000 KCZ
Both works (not yet produced) fit my research on the sense of life, its own
frailty, the need of eternity which can only be satisfied by illusions.
Eugenio Percossi |
Look! the moon
Making a radical change in life
Making the artists obey their horoscopes
Meet the artist's wife...
Meeting a friend after 10 years
More an awareness then a thing
My celebrity interactions can be yours
Naming a child yet to be born after the purchaser (expired)
Not talking for 24 hours, starting from a moment chosen by the collector
One day of life on Ludlow Street (New York) in six thousand seven hundred sixteen jpg images
One distinct hour’s worth of air that moves around and through my body as I work in my studio
Participation in artistic projects, either past or future
Phone conversations based on email scripts
Promoting a young unknown artist
Pronouncing the names of every people I know, as much as I can
Proving that a wish has been fulfilled
Questions and answers about status and motivations of artists from 4 different countries
Reading a text on a bench in a park
Reading fortune from Turkish coffee cups
Receiving an incantation for an important change in life
Receiving the artists who want to show their works in a well-known gallery
Renouncing to think about a personal project when invited to a show
Repairing memory discontinuity through hypnosis
Repositioning furniture
Rules for a grammatical role-playing game to be played during any kind of conversation
Sending two artists to Las Vegas
Sound Calendar
Telephone numbers of story-tellers from Curaçao
Ten assignments
Temporal rearrangements of space, furniture and any other object provided by collector
The artist’s smell
The fact that for six months the artist slept under a table
The sexual renaissance for retired people - an exclusive and free club
The thought of a specific moment
The tracks of the artist’s tears
To be hosted by people met by chance, for nine months
To tell the most beautiful and worst experience of his/her life
Transferring Patriotism
Traversal: New York-Rome
Two men record everything that happens in a square
Visiting the black light environment
Voice and sound of US
You are the sky: one mole and a constellation will arise on your body
Your favourite fairy tale
Web cam views on the ordinary life of a family of artists |