A contribution for emerging artists
A conversation about art that will last as long as possible
A do-it-yourself method to make an instant distinction of good and bad
A guided tour to an abandoned shopping mall
A picture of you
A quotation from The Anti-Oedipus
A slogan
A visit to the artist in Oregon
An open call to the chicken-breeders of the planet
Answer the telephone and tell stories about Italian masterpieces, or about immateriality
Birthday party
Choosing a new day to celebrate Christmas
Collecting information about a list of unknown people, sent by the buyer
Compilations of visited URLS as archived from the web browser’s “history” feature
Entering into a private apartment and not telling anyone what is inside
Experiencing the screen test process and re-enacting a scene from your favourite film
For only 0,55 Euro you are part of a collection!
Forwarding to the artist all the emails received from Africa
Giving another artist the possibility to participate at a show, at my place
Giving you a thought for as long as you live
Good thoughts that will make you happy
How to apologize for failing to meet deadline
I dreamed...
Instructions to undertake a new career
Instructions for making a sentence impossible to be read entirely
Kissing two plastic bag men
Living space projection for new feelings |
At Antwerp, barely two months ago. Invited to exhibit with a group of artists comprising Bury, Tinguely, Roth, Breer, Mack, Munari, Spoerri, Piene, and Soto, I travelled to Antwerp and, on the occasion of the opening, instead of installing a painting or whatever tangible and visible object in the space that had been reserved for me in the Hessenhuis exhibition hall, I loudly pronounced to the public these words borrowed from Gaston Bachelard: “First there is nothing, then there is a deep nothing, then there is a blue depth”.
The Belgian organiser of this exhibition then asked me where my work might be. I replied: “There, there where I am speaking at this moment.” “And what is the price of this work?” “A kilo of gold, a kilo ingot of pure gold will suffice me”. Why these fanciful conditions instead of a normal price simply represented by a sum of money? Because, for pictorial sensibility in raw material state, in a space that I had specialized and stabilized by pronouncing these few words upon my arrival, which made the blood of this spatial sensibility flow, one cannot ask for money. “The blood of sensibility is blue,” says Shelley and that is exactly what I think. The price of blue blood cannot in any instance be measured in money. It must be measured in gold.
…the pictorial space that I have already managed to stabilize before and around my monochrome paintings of earlier years will now be well established in the gallery space. My active presence in the given space will create the climate and the radiant pictorial ambiance that usually reigns in the studio of any artist gifted with real power. A sensible density that is abstract yet real will exist and will live by and for itself in places that are empty in appearance only.
(Excerpts from Yves Klein’s conference “L’évolution de l’art vers l’immatériel”, Paris, La Sorbonne, June 3, 1959, as published in: Yves Klein, Vers l’immatériel, Editions Dilecta, Paris 2006, pagg. 118 and 126. Translation Charles Penwarden)

Making a radical change in life
Meeting a friend after 10 years
Making the artists obey their horoscopes
More an awareness then a thing
Not talking for 24 hours, starting from a moment chosen by the collector
Participation in artistic projects, either past or future
Phone conversations based on email scripts
Promoting a young unknown artist
Pronouncing the names of every people I know, as much as I can
Proving that a wish has been fulfilled
Questions and answers about status and motivations of artists from 4 different countries
Receiving the artists who want to show their works in a well-known gallery
Renouncing to think about a personal project when invited to a show
Repositioning furniture
Telephone numbers of story-tellers from Curaçao
Ten assignments
Temporal rearrangements of space, furniture and any other object provided by collector
The fact that for six months the artist slept under a table
The thought of a specific moment
The tracks of the artist’s tears
To be hosted by people met by chance, for nine months
To tell the most beautiful and worst experience of his/her life
Traversal: New York-Rome
Visiting the black light environment
Voice and sound of US
Your favorite fairy tale